The Essence Elixir Set of Seven
The Essence Elixir Set of Seven
The Heart of the Feminine Essence Elixir is a flower essence blend of red roses, red hibiscus, hawthorne and Belizean Santa Maria (fleabane) combined into raspberry cordial, chocolate vodka and Mt Shasta spring water which has been imbued with the Divine Presence of Mother Mary. This elixir is intended to support healing of all female issues of the womb, opening the heart and maintaining strong boundaries while realizing our true feminine empowerment.
The Dark Feminine Essence Elixir is a potentized blend of Belizean rue, Oregon myrtle, white rose, Easter lily and black hellobore flower essences, set in blackberry cordial, blackberry brandy, Sambucca and Mt. Shasta spring water, imbued with the Divine presence of the Black Madonna. This essence elixir is intended to assist with the dark night of the soul journey that every woman experiences, be it through loss, grief, shame oppression, abuse or any deep initiation with the shadow aspect of life.
Ancestors Amongst Us Essence Elixir is a synergistic flower essence blend of bloodroot, forget-me-not, Belizean marigold, Madrone & Joshua tree essence, combined into wild rose petal liqueur, Mt. Shasta spring water and imbued with the Divine Presence of IxChel, the Maya Deity of healing & medicine. Invite your ancestors in good standing to assist you with breaking ancestral patterns & behaviors that hinder your full embodiment of your true potential.
Everyone is born with a Guardian Angel who is assigned from birth and will be with them until death. Each has a unique task to help guide and protect you, as well communicate important messages from the Higher Realms. The Guardian Angel Essence Elixir is a combination of chamomile tincture, ginger liqueure,Mt. Shasta spring water and flower essences of iris, angelica, and Belizean gumbolimbo. Create an open hearted, childlike calm spirit who can receive healing light & messages from their Guardian Angel.
The Elixir of Life Essence is a unique flower essence blend of meadowsweet, self-heal, rosemary and Belizean jackass bitters, with Cedar of Lebanon tree essence, combined into herbal liquere, black walnut & grapefruit bitters and Mt. Shasta spring water, with evergreen blessings from St. Hildegard de Bingen. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing health challenges, wanting to fortify their immune system or desiring to bring more vitality to their body. ST. Hildegard believed that each body was a unique garden environment with varied needs. As such, this essence offers your immune system a remedy to receive the DNA codes needed for perfect health.
The Caribbean Sea Essence welcomes Yamaha, Yoruban Goddeess of the Sea to help us surrender our troubles. She is invoked in the this remedy made up of Belizean cocoplum, magenta hibiscus, sea creature essence of whale & dolphin combined into tequila, orange liquere, salt, Mt. Shasta spring water and bio-tuned to the sound of Venus. Enjoy the carefree nature of a tropical island. This invigorating essence fills you with a sense of Paradise. It is especially helpful to chase away Winter Blues.
The Ancients Essence Elixir is a tree remedy for these changing, evolving times. Rose & grapefruit vodka, St. Germaine liqueure and Mt. Shasta spring water are combined with tree essences of Ceiba, Baobab, Cedar, Cottonwood and the Redwoods, plus the elder flower essence. ST. Germaine shines his violent flame into this essence expressing that all deserve love, all respond to love and that love is the most potent medicine in existence. This essence helps you to stay rooted to you personal Tree of Life in an effort to remain loving, despite the extreme emotions of the transition to a New Age.
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